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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ohsem Journey =.=

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Hola guys ! Urghhhhhhh. that's wht I feel right now. So, skrg ayie dekat maktab da. Far far far away from family, umi abah. :( Btw, hari ni pegi kelas. n hving a great n ohsem introduction for the subjects LIE n LnL. LIE is actually stand for Literature in English while on the other hand, LnL stand for Language and Linguistic.

On the 2nd January, I'm having a real tiring journey from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu. 7 hours by bus. Imagine ! Dah la ayie "mabuk". Urgh. sangat2 penat. Then I'm staying at Dulcy's home for a night, then at 4 a.m we'd to prepare for the next journey going back to Johor Bharu. Thanks to Mr.Pilot whom had conducted his ohsem duty n we're safely arrived in Senai International Airport at 08.40 a.m .

I'm along with Dulcy, Maryline, Wan, n our junior which I-don't-know-his-name, went back to IPTI with a limousine. sorry la abg limo , terpanggil "uncle". ^_^

Sekarang dekat maktab, cuba untuk mengharungi hari-hari mendatang. walaupon sbnrnye, Umi abah along bestfriend , RINDU. :( 

Oh umi ! tanak balik maktab. :(

Bye-bye Sabah :(

Negara atas awan DORAEMON. :)

Glance at you.

Aucakk ! hye hye Johor.

Walaupon berat hati nak balik maktab, demi nak jadi org pandai, berbakti kat umi abah, nak kawen cepat  terpaksa jugakla . btw, thanks yang bagi souvenir. Wa, thanks bgi shawl tu. suke :) Encik debab, thanks bagi keychain tu.comel. suke gak .

p/s : Teka teki...Banyak-banyak buku, buku apa yang orang buat ta kisah je? sapa dapat jawab, die mmg OHSEM. Till see ya ! Bye bye. 

***yang baik amik, yang buruk buang jauh-jauh***


Celoteh si Ohsem