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Friday, November 25, 2011

SECRET ADMIRER? ( beware, boys and girls ) ^_^

Assalamualaikum wbt ^_^

According to English Dictionary (2011) , "secret admirer" can be define as one who admires another romantically but purposely remains anonymous .

Sheronok la kn tiba2 dapat coklat + hadiah + kad, message2 cinta @ puitis .. apa2 la yang sewaktu dengannya. tp at the same time, korang tatau pon sapa org tu. Mesti senyum and bajet2 kat awangan kn kn kn . :p ( Normal la tuh, manusia kn suka dihargai + disayangi , ta kisah la laki ke pompuan . )

However, you should take few precautions because maybe there are person out there who want to make fun out of you. So, beware dear ! Boys and girls, both have the tendency to b the victim . Maybe you all mesti emm fikir  cmni :

1) Ala, takpela. best apa hari2 dpt coklat free.

2) Eh secret admirer aku ni kn slalu hntar message2 sweet. mesti die cute , hensem, caring.

3) Perghh ! Gile hotsetap aku. ada org admire2 smpi bgi kad , coklat .. mesti ada riak2 kebanggaan kt s2 kn kn kn.. ^_^

Mmg ta baik la kita nk bersangka buruk kat org lain, tp korang pon jgn la nk percaya bulat2 apa yg secret admirer korg ckp kn. Kat sni  la ayie nk kluarkan balik ilmu peribahasa Melayu ayie yg da lama ta digunakan.. Hahaha.. Bak kata pepatah, kita kenalah sediakan payung sebelum hujan, jangan sampai terhantuk bru terngadah, ta gitu???? ( I leave these two idioms for you to think, peace !  )

Panduan2 menangani SECRET ADMIRER 

1) Jangan cepat terpedaya.
  • Ha, jgn cepat nk tgkap cintan sgt la kn dgn ayat2 manis secret admirer korang. slalunya secret admirer ni tahap keramahan diorg mengalahkn kanak2 ribena sket. Over-excited pon ada. Take it easy je apa yg diorg bagtau.

2) Elak2 kn la nk perasan n bajet fikir " Betul ke dia ni suka kat aku? " .
  • Kalo ikut logic, secret admirer korg ni betol suke kat korang kan, tade la die jadi Mr. Anonymous tuh. Mesti die ckp face-to-face punya. So korang pon janganla terperasan atau memerasankan diri korg OK ! selagi ta jumpa , just treat dia ta penah sukakn korg. Mungkin die sesaje nk isi masa lapang die. kn kn kn. 
3) Siasat dalam diam 
  • Ha, yang ni pling thrill. Bile lagi korg nk bajet2 jadi Detective Conan kan.. siasat la. meby dari aspek handwriting pada kad yg secret admirer korg bg. ha, kot2 dpt something. who knows?
4) keep it as secret :) 
  • walaupon dlm hati tu, mmg da tertahan la nk tau sapa gerangan diri secret admirer tu.. jgnlah smpi korg menghebahkan ke seluruh pelusuk dunia ni kn. kt lman sosial korg  update sgt la kn status2 yg mcm kt bwah ni. :

    contoh :  1 ) Eh bestnye, hari ni I  dapat bunga matahari dri secrtet admirer I . gumbira hati mak jemahh nok !

    contoh : 2 ) eh tipah , u tau tak, secret admirer i tu tiap mlm call bgtau die minat kat i. sukesukesuke :) 

hihi. tp bukan semua secret admirer ada niat jahat. sesetengah shja. sukati la mcm mna korg nk hndle.  :)) itu sja, till see ya, salam syg dri ayie :) *hug n kisses

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Words of the day , JEALOUSY :)

Assalamualaikum WBT ^_^

Selamat pagi terima kasih Ya Allah, saya bgun riang ria sentiasa :) *dedicated for all . Don't ever forget to show and express your gratitude to The Creator for giving you chance to live your life (still) for today :)
Syukran...Thanks.. Arigato.. Kamsahamnida.. Xie Xie.. Terima Kasih.. Maramin Salamat .. :)

So, the topic that I would like to discuss ( tgok atas sket, ha kan da nmpk ^_^ ).. JEALOUSY.. So, lets start with the definition.

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, for the word "JEALOUS" there are 2 different definition which are ;

1) feeling angry and unhappy because someone has something that you wish you had.
Example of sentence : Polan, why are you so jealous of his success?

2) feeling angry and unhappy because someone you like or love is showing interest in another person, or   another person is showing interest in them.
Example of sentence : Babat was talking to Amira to make me jealous.

While on the other hand, JEALOUSY can be defined as the feeling of being jealous.

Uh huh ! ni dia example kita. Got from facebook. cute kn that guy? hihi. :p

Kalo ikot pendapat ayie, Jeles2 ni OK je dalam relationship. cuma kena berpada2. Jgn over sudahh., takot lain plak ending die kan. Somehow, this feeling of being jealous will strengthen the relationship and gave better understandings about your loved one. However, it should be taken seriously as it can leads to such big arguments and end up with nothing. Therefore both, boy and his girls, should work together to make their relationship works. :)) *tanak la gado2. sweet2 cukupla kn. (wink)

Differences between ENVY and JEALOUSY ?

In my opinion, in envy, there is no need for loved one. Because , envy is a desire for things :)


Jealousy arises due to the lack of sense in security in relation to the one that you love.

So, it is normal to have this kind of feeling especially towards your loved one. However, control your jealousy level and think positive ^_^
( If a guy get jealous, its kinda cute.. *Alolololo sweet sgt ! , but when a girl get jealous, World War is about to start . )


Friday, November 4, 2011

Kain batik + tudung bawal + shawl + pashmina = Alhamdulillah :)

Assalamualaikum WBT.. semoga sentiasa kita semua di bawah keredhaan-Nya :)

Huyoo ! macam best lak kan buat post2 ni.. hihi.. Isu yg ingin dikongsi, soal memakai hijab.. Kalo dulu-dulu, makcik2 + anak dara , semua pakai kain batik untuk cover diorg punya kepala kan.. pastu dunia semakin maju, trend berubah. Tudung bawal pilihan hati.. Masa terus berputar, wah shawl.. Ayie sendiri pon sgt suka wearing shawl.. Nice :) N latest trend, wanita berhijab di luar sana dihadapkan dengan pelbagai jenis pashmina..

Honestly, pompuan yang pakai tudung ni, siyes cantik sangat.. Ayie pon dulu once penah free-hair, Alhamdulillah Allah buka pintu hati ni untuk pakai tudung.. Bsyukur sgt.. cube kalo da mati, ta gak pakai2 tudung, kesian abah tanggung dosa adek kn.. :))

Definisi Hijab 
  • Kalo kita refer dalam bahasa Arab, hijab ni maksud dia larangan. From my understanding, we wearing hijab to cover our "aurat" from being seen by someone who is not our muhrim. :) 
  • Dari sudut istilahnya pula, wanita memakai hijab untuk menutup anggota2 tubuh badan dari pandangan orang lain yang melihatnya. 
Dalil berkenaan isu memakai hijab :)

Firman Allah SWT :  

Hai nabi, Katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu dan isteri-isteri orang mukmin: "Hendaklah mereka mengulurkan jilbabnya ke seluruh tubuh mereka". (QS. Al-Ahzab : 59 )

Jenis2 tudung  :)

1) Kain Batik

dulu, anak2 dara pakai kain batik cover kepala.. :)

2) Tudung Bawal

Heliza Helmi pakai tudung bawal.. Cun  ? Indah ciptaan Allah ni kan.. 

3) Shawl

Shawl.. Nowadays, pemakaian shawl dalam kalangan wanita bertudung kat Malaysia ni memang trend la kan... cantik, tp ingat, cover dada tu ye wanita2 gorgeous (Ingatan buat diri saya juga :) ).. 

Ini Ayie Juliati Jamil ..Hahhaha.. picture pakai shawl.. kalo bole pakai shawl labuh sket.. :) 
Ingatan khusus buat diri sendiri.. 

4) Pashmina

 Apa yang best tentang pashmina ni, kain dia lebar n sesuai la.. bnyk kawan2 yang pakai, cover ur chest..   Nmpak comel2 je semua yang pakai.. :)

Ni Hana Tajima :) I bet most of woman out there knows her well..
Her style of wearing pashmina and shawl is just awesome, n she's gorgeous after all.
Tp kawan2, tutuplah dirimu dengan betul, bukan just nak ikot trend. :)

Blogger paling sempoi and style , Marie Elena Zarul. Haha. Ayie sgt suka blog dia.. She's pretty.
Gambar Maria kat atas ni adalah antara fashion2 pashmina .. Ada tutorial die kat youtube, 
just simply klik her name.. :)

Ni sapa? Again its me with my own style of wearing pashmina. :)

p/s : Pakailah tudung, wahai wanita.. Jadilah wanita yang lelaki inginkan kamu untuk menjadi ibu kepada anak2 nya. Jadilah wanita yang boleh dicontohi oleh org lain.. semoga kita semua di bwah lindungan-Nya, Amin.. :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

CupcakesforEncikdebab ! :)

Assalamualaikum WBT :)

Comel ta cupcakes kat atas uh? *kindofprettycute, huh? I know..^^
Actually, I ordered this cupcakes from Kak wan. But I did the design.. I'm super duper happy he loves it.. :) 
  • Theme : MU ( as he loves "bola" pretty much, I came up with this idea.)
  • Topping : Buttercream. 
  • Vanilla Choc-chip. 
Happy Birthday Encik Debab.. May you have a prosper, happy, n get the blessings from Allah SWT, Insyallah.. :))

p/s : Do what makes u happy, live ur life to the fullest :))