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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Wordless morning ! T.T

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

He acts like he's a SUPERMAN.
I know he will never be one.
Even though he's not a SUPERMAN and the bravest in the world,
He always be there for me whenever things get wrong and complicated.
For that, I thank you.

Life is not a series of meaningless accidents. If things are bound to happen, they surely will.
I'm so sure that you're not an accident, and I was meant to know you.
to even write about this in my blog,  that's serendipity.

p/s : to my so-called-superman, be good. T.T

***yang baik amik, yang buruk buang jauh-jauh***


  1. hey beautiful.
    yes i'm not superman.
    but he is my best superhero. ^_^
    sometimes i'm not there when you need me.
    i know. but whatever happen i'll do my best to be there for you and be with you.


Celoteh si Ohsem