Assalamualaikum wbt :)
Hola guys. sihat? Harap2 semua pon sihat . bertambah comel dgn "ketembaman" masing2. So hari ni ayie baca majalah Remaja, pasal cinta siber. Kekal atau tak? Hee, so ayie nak bgi pendapat ayie psl benda ni. :)
Typical man n woman. But guys, please don't do this if you really don't meant it. so many sometimes that women are being stupid for believing in you.
First ,kene faham , cinta siber ni adalah cinta yang berputik+bercambah+berbunga melalui kewujudan laman-laman sosial mcm Facebook , twitter, myspace, google+, ataupon Blog. kih3. Mungkin ada yg diluar sana yg menjalinkan hubungan cinta @ mungkin da berumah tangga hasil dri perkenalan melalui laman2 sosial ni. Soal bole kekal atau tak, rasanya harus berbalik kepada Allah SWT. sesungguhnya jodoh, rezeki, kematian, hanya Dia yang mengetahui. kan.
ta kisahlah kenal kat mana2 pon, dalam keadaan dan masa apa pon, kalo Allah SWT dah berkehendak, insyaAllah memang tu la suratannya. kita manusia ni cuma boleh usaha + doa + tawakal. :)
Tapi ada jugak lelaki dan perempuan yang menggunakan laman2 siber ni sebagai platform untuk memainkan perasaan org lain. usha usha je lebih. ayat manis bagai. tapi haprak pon tarak kn. so, jom kita tgok ciri-ciri lelaki n pompuan cmni.
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To that friend of mine, remember this. He will give you someone better. much better than you can imagine. Just wait ok. :)
1) Flirting around je.
2) Sorok HP
3) Sweet talk
Er both lelaki dan pompuan sgt suka disayangi kan. so kata-kata manis ni sering kot digunakan untuk mengaburi mata korang yang cantik tu. Memang la sweet talk ni perlu for a relationship to grow. tapi kalo da over sgt, it wouldn't b such a good idea. Personally, I prefer a guy that shows his love through actions, not words. Action speaks louder than words right? And 1 more important thing, if you're in a relationship , don't love your bf @ gf 100%. Please, save 80% for you yourselves. You'll never know to what extent that relationship will be. Do have faith in Allah swt. Insyaallah :)
p/s : Tapi bukan semua cinta siber ta berjaya. I have this friend whom already married with someone that she have known through facebook. And so far, I think that they live happily. To my Malaysian version of shah rukh khan, do well in your referral paper. I'll pray for your success. I hope that our relationship will have the blessings from Allah swt and end up with marriage. Amin. That's all. thanks for reading, n see ya ! have a blessed sunday .
to my MLH, somewhere in the future I hope that we can b like this. growing old with you, that'll b awesome. <3
***Yang baik amik, yang buruk buang jauh-jauh***
Basically, diorang ni just main2 je. bukan nye nak menjalinkan hubungan serius. so korang ta pyh la nak tangkap cintan sgt dengan org cmni. bukti die, diorg mungkin akan cakap diorg sayang, suka , minat semua tu. tapi diorg treat org lain benda yg sma mcm yang diorg buat kat awak2 sekalian. Biasanya kalo lelaki or pompuan tu suka, fokus diorg kat sorang je kan . kalo da semua org pon dpat layanan yang sama, there'll be no sense of specialty. so, why bother to have or to be in a relationship with this kind of person? u deserve better, dear.
2) Sorok HP
Ha ! biasala kalo org nak menipu, mesti diorg takot korg tgok fon . Yela da message syg2 bagai kan. Kalo ngan kita bukan main lagi, meluat katanya nak berkasih syg. dengan lelaki or pompuan lain, amboi sayang, baby, honey pulakk kan . Ala contoh terbaik, lelaki ni da kahwin. tapi ada hubungan lain kat luar. HP die tu, 24/7 die pegang. masok tnds pon bwak hp. Isteri2 da bole dah jadi detective conan g siasat. tapi Insyaalah , sepandai-pandai si penipu itu menipu, akhirnya kantoi jugak. relax r. tapi jgn la kalo da tahu penipuan si polan tu, korg still gak nak kat die. Org ni kalo da menipu , tendency nak ulang balik tu ada. Jgn jadi bodoh sgt. Fikir2 kn.
3) Sweet talk
Er both lelaki dan pompuan sgt suka disayangi kan. so kata-kata manis ni sering kot digunakan untuk mengaburi mata korang yang cantik tu. Memang la sweet talk ni perlu for a relationship to grow. tapi kalo da over sgt, it wouldn't b such a good idea. Personally, I prefer a guy that shows his love through actions, not words. Action speaks louder than words right? And 1 more important thing, if you're in a relationship , don't love your bf @ gf 100%. Please, save 80% for you yourselves. You'll never know to what extent that relationship will be. Do have faith in Allah swt. Insyaallah :)
p/s : Tapi bukan semua cinta siber ta berjaya. I have this friend whom already married with someone that she have known through facebook. And so far, I think that they live happily. To my Malaysian version of shah rukh khan, do well in your referral paper. I'll pray for your success. I hope that our relationship will have the blessings from Allah swt and end up with marriage. Amin. That's all. thanks for reading, n see ya ! have a blessed sunday .
to my MLH, somewhere in the future I hope that we can b like this. growing old with you, that'll b awesome. <3
***Yang baik amik, yang buruk buang jauh-jauh***
kalau dah jodoh , kat cyber pun jumpa . :)
ReplyDeleteNelly : agree. Kuasa Allah swt :)
ReplyDeleteterima kasih atas pesanan anda.
ReplyDeletesaya akan lakukan yang terbaik demi masa depan.
sama-sama saudara.